SCD dies also known as Single Crystal Diamond Dies are used in areas where there is a need for fine and ultrafine wire drawing. Here, the surface quality of the wire is critical and therefore there should be no compromise on this. Hence, just like ND dies the SCD dies are used in the same applications. It is the preferences and the choice of the manufacturers to select the type of dies, in this case, ND or SCD. SCD is available from 0.010mm to 2.00mm for wire drawing. They are found in several applications including Tungsten wire, Bonding wire, Copper wire, Stainless Steel wire, and precious metals wire drawing. They are extremely hard and have excellent wear resistance and hence the dies have a very long life. It is seen that they are more precise than the nano diamond coated dies within the above-stated thickness. The dies also consume low power due to low friction and hence save a lot of money for the manufacturers.

If you are a manufacturer whose requirement is getting top-quality surface and precision dimension standards then the SCD is the way to go. It is noteworthy that wire drawing dies are frequently used for reducing the diameter of various ferrous and non-ferrous rods and wires. With SCD you have the capabilities to produce the smallest sizes of wires with uniform roundness and high surface quality. While producing such wires the required wire tolerances are also noted.
Uses of Nano Dies
Unlike the SCD Die the nano wire drawing die is ideal for cable stranding, bunching, compacting, and tube drawing. Although they are not good at fine or ultra-fine drawing they are excellent from 0.50mm to 120 mm. Nano dies are mostly used in applications where there is a need for stranded cables in electrical transmission.
Nano Dies are also used for welding wire drawing which includes low-carbon steel wire, medium and high-carbon steel wire, stainless steel, etc. The most amazing thing about the dies is that there is no wear throughout the entire life of the die and this means huge cost reduction. They are said to last 10 times longer than the tungsten carbide wire dies.
If manufacturers face problems and wish for practical solutions to enhance production efficiency through the use of long-lasting dies SZWIREDIE professional staff are available for consultancy. They can help you solve the toughest problems with any wire drawing and die requirements.
Unlike the SCD Dies the Nano Dies are available from 0.50mm to 40mm for wire and tube drawing. The die life for Aluminum wire is over 30 times than that of Tungsten carbide dies and for low carbon steel wire, and stainless steel wire, they are 10 times longer than the Tungsten carbide dies.
Huge Volume of Business
The cable and wire industry is evolving and expanding like nothing before and its future looks very bright. It is therefore understood that there is huge amounts of money invested in this area. Hence, it is obvious that the main types of wire drawing die including cemented carbide dies, nano dies, SCD dies, PCD dies, ND dies, enamel dies, and shaped wire dies, etc will be at the forefront of wire drawing.
For further information, you may contact customer care service at SZWIREDIE by email or phone.