
Believe In Yourself
Since I raised the subject of beautiful women — what is it about them that shatters your confidence level? I mean, I’m sure you think that your own mothers are such beautiful creatures but I know they don’t compare to Victoria’s Secret. or Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Models. Still. I doesn’t answer the question why you can’t seem to find a way to be at ease when faced with such heavenly human beings. Come on, admit it.
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Lesson for today? Well, it’s quite obvious. I want you to believe in yourself.
One way to achieve just that is to go through this exercise each day:
Find and write down 5 things about yourself that you think will make a woman feel fortunate to be with you or be in your presence, at least.
Then each morning, read it out loud. It’s to remind yourself. It will help nourish your faith in yourself. Do it until, well — until you don’t need to anymore. And when that happens, you’ll soon realise how charming you can be.
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“If parents model good relationship skills, as well as good parenting skills, then children are likely to learn these and reproduce them in their own adult relationships.” — Paul Amato, Professor of Sociology, Samara State University
Growing up, I was taught to believe that this kind of thinking was true. My mother would tell me to never choose a man who came from a broken family. You have to understand that in my country and during those days, being part of a broken family was highly unconventional.
I reckon I still believe that whatever kind of relationship you have with your parents will directly reflect how you will conduct yourself in a relationship. And yea, I still believe that parents are our primary role models because they are the closest set of people who display the relationship that you will have one day.
However, there are certain things that I am now aware of, which I believe we need to be considerate about. Sure, children who have divorced parents or who grew up in a highly unstable family environment can turn out to be such a mess and perhaps, become one of destructive kind of individuals. However, even if studies can support such generalisations, I believe that stereotyping them will not be helpful.
They still have the same needs as any other person. Okay — they may bring a baggage or two but that doesn’t make them all bad. You can think about their admirable traits like, their will to survive, their strength to move forward, or their courage to start a family of their own.
But I understand the need for you to protect yourself from such individuals, of course. I also understand that it will require a lot more work on the relationship but I happen to think that these individuals have an extraordinary love in them to compensate you in risking or troubling yourself in going into a relationship with them, loving them.
If you found out that a guy or a girl came from a broken family, will you continue seeing him or her? Or Will you fear the possibility of history repeating itself?
Women - would you have or have you had a problem developing a relationship with a man who makes less money then you do?
Men - would you have or have you had a problem developing a relationship with a woman that is the bigger bread winner?
Do tell — won’t you?